Céline Ahond

Art Center

Sat 22 April and Sat 22 July 2018

Backs to the Wall, Back to the Literal

How to make the oral tangible? How to signal our presence? In a constant querying of the relationship between life and art, of the shifts of desire and the way "the place of the Other can become a work of art", Céline Ahond turns this exhibition into a three-month performance that opens out like a book, receptive to every imaginable encounter.

In a constant querying of the relationship between life and art, Céline Ahond turns this exhibition into a three-month performance that opens out like a book, receptive to every imaginable encounter.

In close collaboration with graphic designer Valérie Tortolero, the exhibition space has been laid out and set in motion via strategies of framing, displacement and punctuation. Around the nodal point of an ambitious, multi-input new film the artist deploys earlier films, spoken interventions and hands-on contrivances.

Backs to the Wall, Back to the Literal calls into play acts mediated through film or embodied by the spectators in a striving for emancipation from established social and artistic orders. Throughout the day tours of the exhibition will be conducted by women mediators: drawing on anecdotes handed on by the artist, they will provide visitors with micro-narratives and guide them through the activation of certain parts of the exhibition.

With the backing of InPACT-Initiative Cultural Sharing Fund, the National Foundation for the Graphic and Visual Arts (FNAGP) and the «Culture and Society» programme of the Île-de-France Region Cultural Affairs Office.

In collaboration with the Thérèse Clerc Women’s Centre in Montreuil, and the Vie et Cité association in Bobigny, and with assistance from Yonne Copie, Crédac and the Les Arcades school of art in Issy.

Céline Ahond

Born 1979 in Clermont-Ferrand. Lives and works in Montreuil.

Céline Ahond’s distinctive practice finds expression in art venues, books and public spaces – in the form of collective experiences. She drew critical attention in the early 2000s with performance-lectures involving narratives of all kinds, printed and projected images, video systems and presentations of objects.

She followed up with «film performances» with evocative titles like You See What I Mean?, What Film Are We Living in? And Playing at Really Pretending. On the fine line between documentary and zany fiction, these are real-fake reconstructions whose role-playing blurs identities and the relationship between the real and the imaginary.

Ahond is a past master in constructing situations that open up territories for action, speaking out and inventing a specific language; and in doing so she explores the way «the encounter generates art».

infos pratiques

Backs to the Wall, Back to the Literal
exhibition / guided tours


Festival Pass
Full price: 10€
Half price: 8€



book in advance on 01 64 62 77 77

1:15pm: Paris-Opéra Bastille > Ferme du Buisson

12:30am: Ferme du Buisson > Paris-Opéra Bastille

(with a surprise contribution from OKAY CONFIANCE)